

“HOPE – the event that weaves all of humanity.”

“Every moment was precious.”

“A weekend of beauty, expansion and deep connection –

real HOPE

for the healing

of ourselves, our relationships and our earth.”

“Ariole’s teachings awaken our hearts and minds

to a place of knowing
and ultimately,

to our journey home to love.”

- Past Retreat Participants


Transform Your Life -

Evolve The Planet!

Do you yearn to help accelerate the awakening of human consciousness?  Click here.  Are you Called to participate in "Lifting the Lid"?

Would you like to know of "HOPE" Retreats in your area?  Click here.  Tell us your name, geographic area, and where you'd like to attend a "HOPE" Retreat.

Are you Called to Host a "HOPE" Retreat?  Click here.  Tell us your name, geographic area, and how we can best contact you.




"Lifting the Lid"

- Are You Being Called?

          Take a deep breath ... close your eyes ... relax your body ... As you gently open your eyes ... and begin to read this ... What do you notice? ... Inside ... as you begin to re-cognize these words?

          Human consciousness is currently hovering in the realm of reason. (See David Hawkins’ ‘Map of Consciousness’ in “Power vs. Force”.)

          Do you long to hear and see the Divine? Do you yearn to Remember?

          “Lifting the Lid” is an experiment in transcending the current ‘ceiling’ of human consciousness and opening to omni-dimensional perception.

          In June 2010 the first “Lifting the Lid” gathering took seed. A cluster of individuals successfully entered into a ‘flow’ of Divine consciousness. Elements of the noosphere ‘grid’ were co-creatively shifted. Participants immersed in the centre of this process experienced profound, immediate and lasting change.

          In October 2010 we will expand this circle slightly. The June “LTL” was a ‘trial run’ for October. A ‘new energy’ is lined up to enter in to human experience – via the participants who are gathering, the sacred space / geography in which we are gathering, the non-physical entities convening to support this awakening, and the participants / non-physical entities being called to support from other geographies.

          The essential awareness for October “LTL” is to * come without a specific agenda, just to be in the moment, observing self and other, following our cues without knowing where it will lead, and knowing it will lead us somewhere significant. The impact of this way of being / doing as a group will be exponentially more powerful than when we do the same as an isolated individual.

          Requisites for participation in “Lifting the Lid” October 28 to November 1 ** include

  • Stepping fully in. Being present and mindfully aware / observing of body sensations, images, thoughts and emotions. Being able to be in the centre of profound, subtle and rapidly transforming experience without automatically analyzing or trying to ‘make something happen’.
  • Taking full responsibility for your own experience.

          If you feel a stirring within you – if you sense you may be called to participate – please reflect keenly on the above two expressions of full participation.

          In addition to these core requirements, participation also requires

  • Ability to discern personal physical and psychic safety and respond accordingly
  • Awareness of your own limits, such that you can take ownership of pacing your self, while maintaining connection with the collective process
  • Willingness to attune to infinitely subtle energies – including exploring fearlessness and fluidity in the presence of disincarnate consciousness
  • Curiosity and willingness to ‘dance’ in new and exquisite territories –comfort / curiosity in exploring and experiencing beyond the continuum of Space / Time
  • Stamina – emotional, mental and physical endurance
  • A profound sense of service to the Divine, truth and love – the highest good
  • Ability to give immensely without expectation of a particular outcome or evident physical measure of results
  • Ability to flow with structure (in terms of process) forming and de-forming organically
  • Prior commitment to clearing your system (a Pre-Cleanse Protocol will be provided for suggestions)
  • Fearlessness in the presence of disincarnate consciousnessInner strength – e.g. can activate ‘at
  • will’ a significant degree of personal will in alignment with Divine Will
  • Recognition that it is okay to be humbled by the power of your own experience – and by that of others to whom you bear witness
  • If you feel called to participate, or to support from an external location, please contact Mariah or Ariole, Subject: “Lifting the Lid”.

          Advance commitment is required, as preparation is involved.

          Where do you sit in the circle?

          What is your role?

          How are you to prepare?

          Whoever is physically present at the October “LTL” will need to be clear in their thoughts, emotions and body in order to be present in the ways described (see * in paragraph 6). They must will their whole being to this and be truly ready to participate. Just being willing to engage in the experience is too passive. It leaves the self and the group too open for diminishment of rare and exponential learning experiences vital to the survival and thrival of humanity. Readiness for active participation optimizes opportunities for profound healings and quantum insights / awakenings – in individuals, in the group present, and in all of humanity / Creation whom we shamanically represent in this ‘experiment’ of “Lifting the Lid”.

          Be prepared for accelerated transformative growth and learning and real-time integration – as you serve the awakening of humanity in profound, largely intangible ways.

          “Lifting the Lid” is based on numerous predecessors, including the “H.O.P.E.” Retreats, the AT Group, First Nations cleansing and vision ceremonies, individuals’ psychic and trance experiences, as well as simultaneous initiatives throughout the world.

          Please note: this is a completely drug-free experience. Plants may be used in sacred ceremony in relation to the elements, though not ingested.

          ** Dates are approximate and will be further fine-tuned as preparations continue.

          If you are aware of anyone whom you sense would benefit from receiving this information, please share it appropriately.

          With tremendous love of humanity, this exquisite planet, and our collective full potential :-)


          * Image with gratitude to Jan Rosgen



We are pleased to invite you to attend a

rare and intimate experience

HOPE = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth

A Blueprint for Personal and Collective Change


Are you being called to connect with Spirit in a deeper way than ever before? Do you yearn to contribute significantly to the healing of humanity’s relationships – both amongst humans and human cultures, and with planet Earth? Do you sense there is a greater purpose to your life? Do you long to experience relief from your past – including your personal suffering? Do you yearn to be more present - and to experience your true 'gentle power'? Do you seek to remember answers to the core questions ‘Who are you? Why are you here? What is your core Purpose?’ Do you feel a calling to be in service in a more meaningful way – Now?

If these questions speak to you, this Retreat is designed for you. Ariole will facilitate a sacred space to remember your Deep Essence, guiding you into memory of your True Purpose and aligning you with your Power To Live It.

Space is limited.  If you are meant to participate, call or email to reserve your space and receive complete details.

Please share this Invitation with anyone who appears in your mind.

WHEN:  tba

COST:  tba


  • Visa, MasterCard or cheque are welcome. Transaction fees apply to credit card payments.


  • H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth – download, or purchase a print copy, and peruse it prior to the Retreat.  Please allow two weeks for delivery of print copies.  This book will also assist you to maximize your experience plus more easily integrate following the Retreat.

Ariole K. Alei is the author of seven books, e-books and numerous international Tele Classes including an Audio Library.  She has met personally with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other world leaders to discuss her visions of "A New Model of Exemplary Global Leadership".  A speaker, coach and healer, Ariole has been recognized as a powerful metaphysical teacher in Canada, the UK and India for more than twenty years. For biographical information click here.



Supporting This Work

Most of the workings of the "HOPE" Retreats are invisible to the naked eye.  We endeavor to keep costs modest to enable everyone who feels called to participate the freedom to do so.

If you feel inspired to become a Benefactor supporting this transformative work to reach a wider audience, please use the simple, secure PayPal button below.  Your contribution will

  • benefit many
  • ensure the continuation of this essential healing work

Thank You  :-)

$1 to $1,000,000 Contribution



If you have questions or wish to make an In-Kind (other than monetary) Contribution, please email us  :-)

With much gratitude.  Your support ensures the evolution of the "H.O.P.E." Retreats.







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U R Light Blog

Read 'in the now' musings by Ariole K. Alei.  Tune up, tune in, and be inspired!


Do you long to hear and see the Divine?  Do you yearn to Remember?

Human consciousness is currently hovering in the realm of reason. (See David Hawkins’ ‘Map of Consciousness’ in “Power vs. Force”.)

Read more ...



"HOPE" Retreats

"This is not an exaggeration. 

The "HOPE" Retreat changed my life."  - E.Z.

Based on Ariole's Books "H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth - A Blueprint

for Personal and Collective Change" and "Birds' Eye View -

A Travel Guide to the Universe", these life-changing 3-day Retreats and 'Mini-Retreats' hold a sacred space for YOU to 'remember who you are' and 'stand in your Truth'.

Become an active agent in the greening of the planet - and the opening of the human heart.

Be the first to know the next "HOPE" Retreat dates and locations.  Email us today!


Click here to listen to a dynamic, inspiring hour as Talk for Food Host Adam Abraham speaks with Ariole K. Alei, Founder of the "HOPE" Retreats.


"These words will move your mountain if you let them."  - Craig Shearer, Founder, Solar Freedom International

Click here to Preview and Purchase your copy of "H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth - A Blueprint for Personal and Collective Change".


"HOPE" Tele Classes

Participate in one of the most transformative and uplifting 8 weeks of your life - from the comfort of your own home!

How?  Weekly Tele Classes, accessed your computer.  Hassle-free and ecologically responsible!  No travel emissions!

  • "H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth" - FREE Intro to the 8 Week Series



Be a part of the global transformation that's sweeping our beautiful bluegreen planet.

Want a Retreat - yet don't see

one listed?  Contact us to explore hosting a 'Mini-Retreat'

or a Full 3-Day Retreat in your area.

Click here to read an Interview with Ariole K. Alei about the planet, humanity's healing, and how all of this connects in the "HOPE" Retreats.  (Click on May 2008, then scroll to page 4.)