Anger is always the soul calling us. Either it is identifying to us - through our experience of pain and betrayal - where a boundary needs to be created to repair and thus to preserve our integrity. Or it is identifying to us pro-actively - through evoking our anger or even our rage prior to a potential boundary breaching event - that a boundary we have in place is non-negotiable. Or - our anger, one of our most valuable inner Continue Reading
3 Ground Rules for Moving Anger – #3
3. Don't hurt anything else. This is my personal value system. I know that everything is consciousness. If this fits for you, own this 3rd Rule. Nature is dying, quite literally, for us to release our pent up anger, pain and sorrow. As we do, She knows we'll be refreshed. Our Vision will be clear. Our Hearts will be open. We will awaken - as if from a long dream, a nightmare - and remember that we love each other - Continue Reading
Recognizing the ‘3 Ways to Express Anger’ in Your Life
Take a moment now to reflect on a recent situation in which you felt anger. How did you deal with it? Which of the 3 Ways to Express Anger did you engage in? Pause and take a breath. Remember an example - from your own life or that you have witnessed in someone else - of turning anger inward. What was the result? Did it resolve the situation at hand? Did it create a ripple effect of turmoil? For who? How? Take a moment to remember Continue Reading