Last evening I joyously found myself in the opening pages of Marianne Williamson’s A Return to Love. Marianne affirms that ‘nervous breakdowns’ are gifts allowing what is not working to no longer endure. I often call this ‘cracking the egg’ – something no longer allows the ‘same old’ responses. In short, they are revealed (what a relief) to not actually work. What this requires – what this invites of us – is courage and faith that there is a Continue Reading
Stepping Up into Our Genius
When I was at the 1992 UN Earth Summit, the era of thinking was that, to curb the global climate crisis, we would have to fall back to simpler, less evolved ways. We would have to 'give up' so much of what we've gained since the advent of Agriculture and the Industrial Revolution. We would have to become 'primitive' again. Hmmm. This mis-perception arose from a singular angle of logic – one that apparently was the Continue Reading
The Solution – Applying Our Brilliance to a Larger World View
Firstly, we have to care enough to change. We could, of course, let the natural world collapse beneath us and around us, and witness ourselves suddenly slip away - like watching our own mass death. (Who would want this?) Or we can have faith in ourselves. We can – through our healing, individually and collectively – rediscover our self-empowerment, tasting the exciting energy of possibility Continue Reading
H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth
The contrast of doubt is hope. What will it take to compel humanity from complacency and despair into solution-focused action to resolve our global environmental and economic crises? Wherein lies the key to widespread peace? How can we leverage ourselves – individually and as a species – into truly living our potential? * Awareness * Vision * and Will Here's a roadmap for igniting your hope and directing your Continue Reading