As you practice recognizing the emotions in you - just like a musician practices musical scales and an artist practices mixing paint - you can begin to use this awareness in an empowering, life-changing way. You are no longer at the whim of whatever emotion arises in you. You can determine what you feel, and when. Why is this so valuable? Because what we are feeling emotionally is a direct reflection of what we are thinking. And Continue Reading
Feng Shui in Our Spaces
Feng Shui is the art of sensing energy. Typically this art is applied in the creation of spaces – kind of like the art of highly sensitive interior (or exterior) design. It’s about the placement of specific objects, in specific places, in specific relationships to each other, to create a ‘flow’ – a harmonious swirl – of energy in that space. The result of this is prosperity, wellbeing, harmony, joy, upliftment, and more. Continue Reading
Asking Questions II
Asking questions inherently says, "Maybe there's a different way". And there always is. We get stuck in habits. Ruts. Conditioning. Familiarity. Asking questions aids energy to move, to flow, to become well again. Stagnant energy invites illness. Think of a murky pond. It breeds all sorts of bacteria, mosquitoes, and other pesky critters. Its water is not Continue Reading