Here is a simple guide map for empowering you through healthy anger …
1. Notice when you are feeling anger.
2. Ask yourself: “Which of the ‘3 Purposes of Anger’ is this?” (Has a boundary been violated; is a boundary about to be breached; is my soul calling me to grow?)
3. Notice any tendency in you to direct this anger inward or aggressively outward. Get yourself into your Observer position.
4. Notice which of the ‘3 Ways to Express Anger Constructively’ you feel most open to in this moment, now. (Body movement, voice, and/or creativity.)
5. Remember the ‘3 Ground Rules for Expressing Anger’. (Don’t hurt yourself; don’t hurt anyone else; don’t hurt anything else.)
6. Go for it! Let your anger energy flow through Body Movement, Voice and/or Creativity. Get out of the way! Allow it to flow through you and out of you.
7. Notice how you feel – while the anger is moving and especially as it fades away.
You’ve just witnessed a storm. In fact, you’ve been thee Captain and you’ve navigated thee storm. You have not only kept your ship intact, you’ve won thee respect of your sailors and you’re taking the treasures triumphantly home.
Anger is
thee route ‘up’.
Listen to this post as a ‘podcast’! ‘A New Anger Map’ recorded using the omni-dimensional ‘Star Microphone’ by Wehnersound.
* This post is #64 in a series of in the syndicated excerpts from The Power of Anger – Blasting Through Your Limitations and Transforming The World by Ariole K. Alei. Order the book – or instantly download a copy – here. Or listen to the 4-Part Audio Course.
* Image with gratitude to The Power of Anger.
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