As more intense – purer – energies enter our Earth’s system from ‘spiritual’ dimensions, it is imperative that we cleanse ourselves. Without cleansing, these pure and potent energies encounter dissonance in our systems. This dissonance effectively ‘magnifies’ these energies, resulting in us feeling ill. Think of a powerful flashlight shining its beam into a murky pond. The murkiness is actually accentuated by the presence of the Continue Reading
Lifting the Lid – (Part III)
As with the symbiotic nature of all things in creation, we are not alone. Those of us gathering in "Lifting the Lid" will ‘succeed’ as humanity and the cosmos succeed in aligning this sacred doorway – this sacred opportunity. As this great ‘code’ is decoded, humanity will fly free. ... See (Part I and II) for what precedes this Post :-) The physical worldly implications of this include a quickening Continue Reading
Lifting the Lid – (Part II)
As we approach our physical gathering, what we are being Called to surrender to and participate in is becoming clearer. ... See (Part I) for what precedes this Post :-) The Ancestors have been making their presence Known to us since early June 2008. Now they wish to be invited in to the centre point – the Zero Point – to anchor the next wave of these proceedings. As they do, a vertical channel comes into Continue Reading
Lifting the Lid – (Part I)
Humanity is currently hovering in the realm of reason. (See David Hawkins’ Power vs. Force.) What does this mean? The ‘ceiling’ of our consciousness is mental. Our highest collective evolutionary capacity is our ability to ‘understand’. Until we merge with the heart – until our mind opens to receive the precious and vital wisdom accessed only through the feeling / intuiting nature – we are guiding our selves Continue Reading
The Ego and The Soul
What I want to be writing is a book about how humanity awakens its intelligence to recognize its co-creative capacity. And how with this, it chooses to let fear dissolve into nothingness whilst it opens its gates to what it has only ever dreamed of: love and joy, safety and community, sharing and exuberance, and recognition that we all, at our core, want the same things: trust, fulfillment of our true potential, outlets to share our unique and Continue Reading
Emotional Intelligence
Why is ‘Emotional Intelligence’ so important in ‘piercing the veil’? We are cohesive systems. Our physical sensations and muscular holding patterns, our feelings and emotions, and our thoughts are all perfect mirrors of each other. If – as in “Piercing the Veil” – it is true that most of humanity, throughout much of Time, has focused its mind – its ‘thinking’ – ‘beneath the horizon’ (thinking thoughts about the Continue Reading
Piercing the Veil
I will articulate this as clearly as I can – as it is literally dawning in my awareness as I awaken this morning. Like mountain peaks that are suddenly – finally – revealed as the perpetual mist that has veiled them lifts – I see this so clearly now. The ‘ceiling’ that has been keeping human consciousness – and thus human societies’ experience – in limitation / slavery is thinking. Who would have guessed? We have Continue Reading
‘You Don’t Have to Have A Past’ – Principle #2 – Living IN The Now
Wow. Could this be true? What is ‘a past’, anyway? Perceiving that you 'have a past' is a perception – a covenant of belief – that you were subconsciously introduced to and initiated into as you were raised. Everybody around you believed they had a past – that they had to have a past – and so you did, too. What, exactly, is ‘a past’? Consider digestion. When you consume food or Continue Reading
Ego’s Hold II
Further to “Ego’s Hold”, when Ego is unable to formulate a person’s identity, schisms occur.[1] Let’s dig in the soil to recognize some of these. Despite the reality that Ego ‘commission one’[2] is tasked with orienting the Soul in Space and Time, it, too, needs to have its bearings. This is perhaps the key reason why Ego creates ‘identity’. Identity – a perception of who one is – gives Ego its bearings. It identifies who the Continue Reading
Ego’s Hold
Insights can be buried deep. Like seeds inches beneath the soil, they can remain indefinitely dormant, latent, unsprouted. To dig to them – to penetrate the darkness that keeps them hidden – can require determination – might – sheer laser light of consciousness. We need to sense them. We need to want them – to be able to uncover the soil that cloaks them and let them see light. Such is the case last evening and this morning. Continue Reading