It's been an amazing week living 'off the grid'. Our ancestors only knew 'off the grid' living - living unplugged from the electricity grid. They built fires, hauled water, and lived in natural daylight. Some people around the world still do - by necessity, and / or by choice - live in this intimate relationship with nature's cycles. At least once every year - and often more frequently - I take myself 'off the grid'. Continue Reading
Life Balance and Love – Part 2
Ariole … Let's clarify what we mean by life balance and why it’s so important to relationships. Colin … Sure. Talking with someone about life balance helps them understand that their relationship is only one aspect of their whole life. For example, in addition to a significant other / marriage relationship, one also has to deal with career, money, health, family, friends, recreation, spiritual or personal growth, and last but Continue Reading
Living a Yogic Life – Part 2
The second challenge for those of us yearning to live a more deeply meaningful, peaceful, ‘yogic’ life is this: ‘Free’ will (read more in my forthcoming book “The Ego and The Soul – A Map for Humanity’s Ultimate Survival”) allows us the option to align ourselves with what we want – or stray from it. Inherent in ‘free’ will is the deluded disguise that – because ‘I can do anything I want’, I am somehow not Continue Reading
Living a Yogic Life – Part 1
I’m meeting more and more people who are expressing their yearning to live a life of deeper meaning. Dissatisfied with their day-to-day rhythms, and the emptiness they are beginning to recognize, they are wanting more. The challenge is this: Firstly, as a species we have ‘temporarily lost’ – like a muscle, we have let atrophy – our ability to vision alternate futures. We are conditioned – modeled by the majority of Continue Reading
Tools of a Master Creator
Gather your tools. Use the practices in this book. And those in other books, DVDs, and CDs that you find yourself drawn to. Explore tools that others in your expanding circle of friends share with you. Try them on. See if they work! And if they seem to not work, do an honest inner inquiry. Is there a grain of doubt that is obscuring your trust or your desire? Continue Reading
Becoming a Master Creator
A Master Creator has developed these: Understanding Tools Practice Consistent and Reliable Results Understanding Understanding comes from exposure to new ideas. Sometimes we need to encounter new ideas from several angles. Read this book over and over again, until you 'get it'. Until you understand – which means to 'stand under', to have an 'aha' recognition – of how abundance works. To understand Continue Reading
Getting Out of The Way
There comes a time in the creation of anything when we need to Get Out of The Way – we need to allow the Non-Physical its power to create. John Randolph Price articulates brilliantly this process of attuning our focus from our fixation on the Physical to a gleeful awareness of our Non-Physical Self. In fact it is our Non-Physical Self that channels or flows into our Physical experience anything we desire which is not yet in our Continue Reading
A Master Creator’s Practice
Use your tools. Tools are worthless in a dusty, dark shed. Bring them 'into the light'. Bring them into your active experience, each and every day. Choose the tools that feel most natural to you. When will you practice them? How will you remind yourself to practice? Like any athlete or great musician you become great – proficient and masterful, with consistent and reliable results – by practicing. Would you Continue Reading
Consistent and Reliable Results
Imagine yourself, a few weeks from now, having diligently and consistently applied your understanding through the practice of the tools you’ve chosen (from The Simplexity of Abundance – 4 Steps to Plenty, plus any tools you already have that pre-date your reading this book) … How do you look? How do you feel? Listen to the tone and timbre of your voice. What are you saying? Who are Continue Reading
The Amazing Alchemy of Transformation
You cannot get there from here. You must go through to arrive. In other words, you cannot simply Want and Receive without transforming. Any beliefs, patterns of thought, speech and behavior, or any other kind of ruttedness that has held you in 'lack' in any area of your life will shift in the process of Mastering the Laws of Creation. You will become a 'new', more vibrant, much more confident, Continue Reading