In the sweet stillness of our body and our mind, we begin to open our central channel – the internal 'shaft' which links our energy centers – our 'chakras'. And with this aligning and gradual, subtle opening of our chakras, the King/Queen of them all – our Crown chakra – begins to open. And we begin, on conscious and unconscious levels of our awareness, to align with our 'Vertical reality'. We begin to orient ourselves 'up' … rather than Continue Reading
Why Meditate? – Part 1
Why is Meditation recommended so highly in conjunction with abundance and creating what we want in life? Because when we meditate, we still the Warrior and the Magician and we naturally attune directly and with ease to the King/Queen and the Lover. When we meditate, we still our body to the point that our physiological processes quieten, as if we are moving towards sleep. And yet we are more keenly, Continue Reading
Simple Examples of Conscious Actions – A Check List
Here is a simple primer of how to make a difference in this world … Waste less – food, paper, toilet paper, light, heat, air conditioning, fuel. Give more – love, support, wisdom, ideas. Buy consciously – fair trade (people are paid fair wages for the work that they do), organic (it doesn't pollute air, water or soil with toxins), EMF friendly (cell phone and microwave technologies are cited as confusing the navigating Continue Reading
It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way – Part 2
This is the apparent opposite of how we in our culture currently live. We cannot survive without the infrastructures of our society and the skills of countless other people. At the same time so many of us feel disenfranchised and purposeless. How can we remedy this? Begin to rediscover your survival skills: Learn how to garden, how to build a fire, how to create a natural shelter, how to collect fresh water, how to bury Continue Reading
It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way – Part 1
When I was a young child, I had many insights. I still do. One of my earliest insights arose from a deep, embodied discomfort with how the world is. Before I knew language to describe adult systems I knew that, "It doesn't have to be this way." One of my early childhood Visions / Knowings was this: We would experience complete global harmony if everyone contributed their gifts. And in exchange for everyone Continue Reading
Your ‘Predominant Pulse’ – Part 2
As we begin to give the seeds of our gifts, we discover more about them. We begin to recognize our true worth, which is amazing. It is only our wounds that have had us believe otherwise. This has been the illusion, the greatest 'loss' of all Time. As we begin to know our True Selves, we develop Self respect. This alone is worth living for – the experience of forgiving ourselves for the illusory Continue Reading
Your ‘Predominant Pulse’ – Part 1
One of my key observations is this: No matter how much someone wants something, and seems to train their attention on it, if their 'Predominant Pulse' is still one of wounding, this is what they will attract. It is only when we change the nature of our 'Predominant Pulse' to our true story – which is that we are inherently good, deserving and beautiful – that we can begin to attract, allow, and receive that which we most deeply Continue Reading
There is a growing malaise in our culture, as more people work longer hours with less satisfaction – and in greater isolation – doing things that they know are unhealthy and contributing mindlessly to their individual and collective frustration. This is a growing epidemic – evident in everything from obesity to addictions to violence to suicide. So many people do work that they do not love, and stay in relationships Continue Reading
Who Am I? Why Am I Here?
These are the most definitive, valuable questions we can ever ask. When we are asking these questions, who are we asking? Who are we directing these questions to? If we have a question, and we don't know the answer, then obviously we are opening our self to access wisdom beyond our self. These questions connect us directly to our spirit. Who Am I? Who is Continue Reading
Have you ever tried to get a Jack-in-the-Box in the box? A Jack-in-the-Box is a cloth puppet sitting atop a tightly coiled spring. When the lid of the box is lifted, 'Jack' springs out, joyous and full of life. Getting Jack back into the box requires much strength and determination to push downward against his naturally-freedom-oriented coils. When you do finally get the coils sufficiently suppressed to force the Continue Reading