For those of us who live lives where (yes, most of us do work ... and yet) we have ‘leisure time' – what do we use this leisure time, and energy, and attention for? We are droned to spend it glued in front of the television, the iPod, the cell phone, the computer, the … whatever electronic device you wish to name – without discernment. Without using these ‘tools’ as just that – communication devices that can deliver enriching, Continue Reading
Leaders and Followers – Part 1
It was as I was flying home from the UN Earth Summit – twenty-eight hours in flight – that I received this, amongst many, insights: Most people are followers; few are leaders. This revelation dawned in my awareness – not as criticism, rather as a necessary fact to be recognized, should I wish to truly participate in affecting any real and long-lasting, beneficial change. The minority are leaders. What does this Continue Reading
Global Warming or Pollution? – Part 2
The signature of ‘development’ stands blatantly against the natural world. It is more challenging for us to see this – those of us who live in the ‘developed’ world – as it is what surrounds us now. And the photo gallery during the UN Earth Summit in Brazil – showing photographs of three generations of Brazilians who have been born and raised in a massive ‘dump’ that is so vast, it spans the horizon. This … is the Continue Reading
Global Warming or Pollution? – Part 1
My husband, Colin Hillstrom, has a very good point: As long as we are preoccupied with the ‘argument’ of whether global warming is human caused or part of an epic and ongoing cycle natural to nature … we miss the point. We miss the point that very real and massively consequential shifts are taking place as we breathe. Shifts that, if we do not heed their warning signals, could result in our species’ entire extinction – a Continue Reading
Underwhelming the Overwhelm – Part 2
And so the isolation of the millions of people who do have tremendous power to influence change – the everyday people of this world – was being essentially ‘turned off’ as a result of their overwhelm and paralysis. Flip forward nearly twenty years, and what is the state of our current civilization? Thanks to the Egyptian, Libyan, and other middle eastern people, we’re all waking up – and remembering the power, innate in all of Continue Reading
Underwhelming the Overwhelm – Part 1
In 1992 (some of you may not have been born then!) I felt called to participate ‘live’ in the most important global gathering of the century – the United Nations Earth Summit, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As I recall, some 180 heads of state gathered (an unprecedented showing) to discuss the critical implications of human development on the environment. Leading up to this monumental event, I noticed that something was Continue Reading
Feng Shui in URLight
So … how does this relate to the creation of URLight? It’s obvious to me. Everything we do is a direct reflection of our state of consciousness. If we are murky inside – emotionally, mentally, and / or physically – everything we present to the world, and how we engage in the world, will also be murky. If we are clear inside – inspired, aligned, congruent, in harmony, in respect – how we engage with the Continue Reading
Feng Shui in Our Selves
The only way – in my view – to create ‘clear energy spaces’ is to create clear energy selves. “I want you to know the profound affect/effect you have on my life. I learned so much about who I'm not and who I really am in your presence. And it's that presence I need to tell you about. You live your life so clean and clear that the energy space that you radiate allows others to step into that cleanliness and clarity. Thank you. Continue Reading
Feng Shui in Our Spaces
Feng Shui is the art of sensing energy. Typically this art is applied in the creation of spaces – kind of like the art of highly sensitive interior (or exterior) design. It’s about the placement of specific objects, in specific places, in specific relationships to each other, to create a ‘flow’ – a harmonious swirl – of energy in that space. The result of this is prosperity, wellbeing, harmony, joy, upliftment, and more. Continue Reading
The Sacred Energy of Life
I’ve been noticing a theme lately. People are commenting on how amazing they feel when they are in my home. When I (on rare occasion) teach a Yoga class, people remark on how connected to spirit – how aware of a loving energy enveloping them – they become. People reading URLight are asking, “How did you make this?” There’s a connection between all of the questions and comments. They’re arising out of an experience of deep Continue Reading