There are 3 distinct reasons why anger arises. Anger is an intelligence. It is our higher wisdom - our soul, our 'higher self' - speaking to us. Until now, we've not recognized this. And so we've not realized what it is saying. 1. The first way in which most people begin to recognize that they are experiencing anger is this: After a boundary has been breached. The purpose of anger in this case is to alert them to Continue Reading
The Power of Anger
One of the most effective ways to "Emotionally Cleanse and Detoxify" is to develop a healthy relationship with anger. Did you know? Anger is your ‘rocket fuel’! Are you often depressed? Do you feel stuck in your life? Do you live in a ‘fog’? Are you sick and tired of experiencing mediocrity – of not getting the life experience you want? Around the world, humans have traditionally had a very Continue Reading
Emotional and Spiritual Cleansing and Detoxification
In addition to the suggestions in “Cleansing and Detoxification" including "Physical" and “Mental”, consider these suggestions for your Emotional and Spiritual well-being :-) Slow Down Allow more ‘Yin’ in your experience. Less doing, more relaxing. Relaxation, humor, and slowing your pace are key elements of digesting your experience in real time. Stillness Practice inner stillness – the ability to Continue Reading
Asking Questions II
Asking questions inherently says, "Maybe there's a different way". And there always is. We get stuck in habits. Ruts. Conditioning. Familiarity. Asking questions aids energy to move, to flow, to become well again. Stagnant energy invites illness. Think of a murky pond. It breeds all sorts of bacteria, mosquitoes, and other pesky critters. Its water is not Continue Reading
Asking Questions
A profound way to kick-start our personal healing is to begin to ask questions. Asking questions inherently shifts the balance of power from outer structures to our inner ones. It re-empowers us. It re-engages us. Asking questions is an act in itself. We must let go of the idea - the naïve assumption - that when a question is asked, an answer must immediately come. As we begin to ask the big questions like, "Do Continue Reading
Cleansing and Detoxification
As more intense – purer – energies enter our Earth’s system from ‘spiritual’ dimensions, it is imperative that we cleanse ourselves. Without cleansing, these pure and potent energies encounter dissonance in our systems. This dissonance effectively ‘magnifies’ these energies, resulting in us feeling ill. Think of a powerful flashlight shining its beam into a murky pond. The murkiness is actually accentuated by the presence of the Continue Reading
Grounding Yourself
As we actively ground our energy, we feel more stable, more present, more capable, less afraid or overwhelmed, more clear. Does this sound appealing to you? Let's refresh a few key points from "Grounding - Being Grounded" ... Grounding is, essentially, creating a pathway into the ground for excess energy to be dispersed. We can each do this via a. Rooting our feet into Continue Reading
Grounding – Being Grounded
As our bearings shift at an accelerating rate – in response to economic, environmental, and other changes, locally and globally – it is vitally important that we each learn how to effectively ‘ground ourselves’. Grounding – unlike the disciplinarian use of the word in relation to teenagers being ‘grounded’, meaning not allowed to leave their home (a form of ‘punishment’ for ‘misbehavior’) – grounding in this context means Continue Reading
Ariole’s Books and Audio Courses
Take a look at all 6 of Ariole's Books ... ! "H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth - A Blueprint for Personal and Collective Change" Read the Book Purchase the 8 Session Audio Series Listen to a 90 second Free Intro Audio clip Listen to the entire Free Intro Audio Session ~ "The Power of Anger - Blasting Through Your Limitations and Transforming the World" Read the Book Purchase the 4 Session Audio Continue Reading
‘When Did You Sign a Contract to Suffer?’ – Principle #1 – Living IN The Now
Think about it. When did you? Most humans live their entire life without questioning this. Wow. Buddha questioned this. This was his greatest legacy to humanity. Sadly millions of people who explore Buddha’s teachings assume he meant that suffering is inevitable. Is it? Or is it a conditioned response, an unquestioned agreement as part of the decision to Continue Reading