There is a growing malaise in our culture, as more people work longer hours with less satisfaction – and in greater isolation – doing things that they know are unhealthy and contributing mindlessly to their individual and collective frustration.
This is a growing epidemic – evident in everything from obesity to addictions to violence to suicide.
So many people do work that they do not love, and stay in relationships that they dread.
We have become a society of largely disempowered people.
How do we get our power back?
By beginning to take responsibility for our state of affairs. By attending to what is in front of us, and applying our God-given skills and attributes to remedying and resolving it. By believing in ourselves.
What are your passions? What are your dreams?
In preparing to write my recent book The Simplexity of Abundance – 4 Steps to Plenty, I discovered to my alarm that most people have no idea what they truly want. And so the starting point is to become clearly aware of what you don’t want, using this keen information as the clues for articulating its opposite – what you do want.
Most people have so suppressed their dreams and their belief in themselves that they can’t know what they want. It’s as if they’ve progressively disallowed themselves from having clarity.
Once we identify what we want, the next greatest hurdle is to consistently focus our attention on it. It is through ‘shining the light of our consciousness’ on its seed that it begins to grow and become strong and real.
Distraction weakens its growth.
The greatest distraction of our attention is our subconscious, constant attention on our wound – our ‘Predominant Pulse’.
As you will observe through reading the “Healing Stories” in the Appendix of this book, much of my understanding about the Principles of Healing and “How Healing Works” derives from keen insight and observation.
I am a scientist without a degree.
Life is my lab.
I observe in order to develop hypotheses and prove them right or refine them if they’re ‘wrong’.
* Excerpt from H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth – A Blueprint for Personal and Collective Change by Ariole K. Alei.
Read more in “Who Am I? Why Am I Here?” and “Jack-in-the-Box” plus “Your ‘Predominant Pulse'” forthcoming – all excerpts from H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth 🙂
Questions to Ponder: What clarity to you have about your passions and your dreams? How have you allowed these to become murky?
Are you interested in 1-1 support in exploring this further for yourself?
*Images with gratitude to,, legalproductivity.rocketmatter,com,
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