I had a fascinating and highly inspiring conversation with a good friend in the UK recently. It has my whole being in a scintillating attunement to ‘First Contact’.
If you’re not familiar with this expression, it refers to First Contact of extra-terrestrials (non-Earth beings) with humans.
There are thousands of accounts throughout history – including a rapidly increasing volume in present times – of individuals and societies encountering ‘Star Beings’. (See Birds’ Eye View – A Travel Guide to the Universe for examples.) Pictographs and other ancient art / symbols are also testament to this historic experience.
Even though thousands of people throughout history have directly observed ‘space craft’, ‘UFOs’, ‘flying saucers’, and / or have personally experienced direct contact with Star Beings – and therefore to them the existence of these realities is undeniably true – this is still a rare and highly contested (at least by some governments’ so-called ‘intelligence’) phenomenon.
We will never know, as an entire global population, if Star Beings truly exist until and if First Contact happens.
And yet – consider for a single lucid moment the probability of us humans being the only ‘intelligence’ in the universe. This, quite frankly, is naïve if not ludicrous.
We will only know the truth of who Star Beings are, where they originate from, where they reside, what their interests are, and what their intentions are in contacting us when and if this happens.
Interestingly, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Russian, and other mainstream media are beginning to prepare their citizenry – via newspaper articles and the like – for the ‘imminence of First Contact’.
‘First Contact’ is essentially the first time Star Beings will make themselves visible to more than an isolated few.
Read more in “First Contact II” forthcoming …
Questions to Ponder: Are you find the idea of ‘Star Beings’ challenging – or frightening? Consider the value of a “Mental Cleanse” to make space in your awareness for new ideas such as this.
Also consider reading “The Ego and The Soul”. It is only your beatific ego endeavoring to ‘protect you’ from what it does not know that could possibly mask the absolute magic, delight, and transformative potential of this wondrous possibility from your imagination and your contemplation.
* Image with gratitude to worth1000.com
Hello, Great job. I did not expect this just before the weekend. Thanks
prodigious book you’ve secure
This is really a very fascinating post, thank you for sharing! You will find numerous blogs on this topic but this one states precisely what I think also.