As you practice recognizing the emotions in you – just like a musician practices musical scales and an artist practices mixing paint – you can begin to use this awareness in an empowering, life-changing way. You are no longer at the whim of whatever emotion arises in you. You can determine what you feel, and when.
Why is this so valuable?
Because what we are feeling emotionally is a direct reflection of what we are thinking. And what we are thinking is immediately obeyed by our physiological state. When we are thinking thoughts of lack, we plummet into fear. Our body tightens – our life force is temporarily cut off. We have little inner energy to change our situation.
When, on the other hand, we are able to recognize that we have plummeted into fear – and we know firsthand the ‘Map of Emotions’ – we can intentionally shift ourself to another, more energizing and enjoyable emotional state. This immediately shifts our thoughts to better-feeling thoughts, and it is immediately reciprocated in our physiological states. Our breathing becomes easier and less ‘costly’. Our body becomes alkaline and thus resilient and resistant to illness and disease. Our outlook becomes rosy. We become willing and eager and excited about life.
Why are we not taught this in kindergarten? This is essential in the ‘guidebook’ of how to successfully be a human.
What you are feeling emotionally
is a direct reflection of
what you are thinking.
Listen to this post as a ‘podcast’! How to Use the ‘Map of Emotions’ recorded using the omni-dimensional ‘Star Microphone’ by Wehnersound.
* This post is #55 in a series of in the syndicated excerpts from The Power of Anger – Blasting Through Your Limitations and Transforming The World by Ariole K. Alei. Order the book – or instantly download a copy – here. Or listen to the 4-Part Audio Course.
* Image with gratitude to The Power of Anger.
[1] These 17 levels of consciousness were first mapped by David R. Hawkins in Power vs. Force and developed as the ‘C-Walk’ (Consciousness Walk) by my co-founder of Veraxis and beloved soul friend,Colin Hillstrom.
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