Next Tuesday, January 18, 2011 I fly to “Lifting the Lid III”. Three colleagues and I will ‘enter in’, while nineteen + others consciously, actively support us from ‘outside’.
“Lifting the Lid” is the current phase of the ‘global consciousness awakening project’ I’ve been called to initiate and follow my cues to align consciously[1] for the past twenty years.
It is an ‘experiment’ – an experiment in “what does it take to lift the ceiling of human consciousness beyond reason, opening into the omni-dimensional re-union of All that we originate from? What does it take to evolve into the frequency of cosmic, unconditional Love? What does it take to end warring, for once and for all Time? To end starvation, and homelessness (of heart and house)? To end separation, in all its forms?”
Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”. His strong foreshadowing of necessity is now.
On January 19 we will continue following our cues in the physical, together completing primary alignments of energy grids, connecting Earthly and celestial pathways, intelligences, communication channels, ‘shafts’.
On January 20 we will enter ‘in’.
Entering a deep trance state (filled with joy, and immense precision), we will serve the advancement of the ‘prototype’ of human consciousness awakening.
Our journey will evolve over four Space / Time days. Our integration – our ‘return from the Vision Quest’ – will commence on January 23 evening.
Welcome into ‘our’ world – the world we share with all Creation, the world we once again embrace in full essential Union.
Questions to Ponder: What experiences have you had that transcend day-to-day ‘reality’? When have you experienced ‘magical moments’ that pierce the veil of slumber, allowing a glimpse – or a direct encounter – with the ‘Divine’? Have you heard of other people who have?
Read more in “Lifting the Lid” (various posts) 🙂
Are you curious about what this is all about? Read Birds’ Eye View – A Travel Guide to the Universe!
* Images with gratitude to,
[1] Humanity’s awakening has been in play / actively evolving since the beginning of its slumber.
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