Hectic? Fragmented. Confused? Overwhelmed. Stressed? Depressed. Tense? Afraid.
Do any of these describe you?
Get off the treadmill 🙂 And discover that you – yes you – have another choice.
What Is Meditation?
“Meditation is … rhythmic activity, which unites the body with the mind; stillness, silence, in which the physiology slows, the emotional body finds peace within, and the mental body centers itself in ’empty mind, aware mind’.
“Mind means words; self means silence. Mind is nothing but all the words that you have accumulated; silence is that which has always been with you, it is not an accumulation. That is the meaning of self. It is your intrinsic quality. On the background of silence you go on accumulating words, and the words in total are known as the mind. Silence is meditation. It is a question of changing the gestalt, shifting the attention from words into silence – which is always there.”
Savor this. Contemplate it, slow. Roll it in your mind and find the meaning in it.
Silence is always present. In between the sounds and the stimuli, silence is always here. Here. Now.
Question to Ponder: When and where are you still? In what locations and in what company do you feel easily able to slow and relax?
Interested in more ways to deeply relax? Listen to a Free Audio – “Be In the Now”.
Quote – Osho, from “What is Meditation?”
* Image with gratitude to www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/…/ meditation.jpg
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