Trance is like being tuned in to radio station(s) beyond the frequency listened to and registered by typical states of mind. Trance is a state which allows attunement to information beyond the typical frequencies / information bands of day-to-day human functioning. As such, it is highly generative, highly creative, and highly transformative. A friend / colleague of mine refers to her trance experiences as “dancing Continue Reading
Activating Your 8th Chakra
As Tom Kenyon says, “Some of you experience gnosis – direct connection with the Divine.” Perhaps, as you are reading this post, you are experiencing gnosis. You, and I - as we have done throughout eternity - will innately hold the space for others to comprehend what flows here now … As part of the DNA structure of every human being, we each have seven ‘chakras’ – energy centres, like railroad stations and airport Continue Reading
Exiting the ‘Wheel of Time’
Since 1989 I’ve been consciously aware that I am in an experiment of awakening consciousness. Consciously aware that this is the most exciting time to be alive on planet Earth. Consciously aware that this may be the first time in human history that humanity is able to observe its own awakening - its own unfurling into a new species - it own metamorphosis - its own cosmic magnificence. My story began when I was ten Continue Reading