____________ Why are we not taught this in kindergarten? This is absolutely essential in the 'guidebook' of how to successfully be a human. ____________ Step 1. Become self-aware. Notice how you are feeling. Does it feel good? Does it serve you? Does it inspire you? Does it support your mental, emotional and physical health? If you are already feeling good - great! You may wish to improve it. If Continue Reading
How to Use the ‘Map of Emotions’
As you practice recognizing the emotions in you - just like a musician practices musical scales and an artist practices mixing paint - you can begin to use this awareness in an empowering, life-changing way. You are no longer at the whim of whatever emotion arises in you. You can determine what you feel, and when. Why is this so valuable? Because what we are feeling emotionally is a direct reflection of what we are thinking. And Continue Reading
Anger and Humanity
Humanity is infantile in its relationship with anger. We discovered fire - thousands of years ago - and yet we haven't mastered anger. Our lack of understanding and respect for anger cripples us - individually, collectively and in relation to our environment. We lash out and we lash in. We do not - yet - use anger constructively as our ally. This is what this book is about. Changing this. Teaching humans how to befriend their anger - Continue Reading