2. Don't hurt anyone else. When you Move Anger Energy Constructively, no one else needs to be involved. As you mature in your relationship with anger (call me if you'd like 1-1 Coaching in this), you will be able to express it to other people in clean, non-codependent ways. Until then, explore this as a personal practice. Do you remember the 2nd Way to Express Anger? Lashing out with any degree of violence (aggression) results Continue Reading
Anger and Humanity
Humanity is infantile in its relationship with anger. We discovered fire - thousands of years ago - and yet we haven't mastered anger. Our lack of understanding and respect for anger cripples us - individually, collectively and in relation to our environment. We lash out and we lash in. We do not - yet - use anger constructively as our ally. This is what this book is about. Changing this. Teaching humans how to befriend their anger - Continue Reading
Your Relationship With Anger – Part Two
____________ How Do You Relate To Anger? Reflect on your recent experiences - when someone was angry 'at' or near you. How did you respond? What did you feel inside? Reflect on your recent experiences - when you felt angry 'at' someone, an event, or something. How did you feel inside? How did you respond? What did you do? How did you feel then? Become more 'self aware'. Notice how you relate to anger - how you feel, how you Continue Reading
Your Relationship With Anger – Part One
Anger has been given a bad rap. For those of us who have grown up in a religiously tinged society, we have learned to perceive anger as something of disrepute; something to be avoided; something sinful; even something dangerous. Anger has traditionally been equated with the devil - with wrath. What are your attitudes about anger? What are your conditioned beliefs about anger? How do you relate to anger? Do you cower in its presence? Continue Reading
The Power of Anger – Introduction
If only we could access our anger and not be afraid of it … If only we could clear out our vast reservoirs of unexpressed anger … We could change the world in an instant. A mere blink. Anger is the most misunderstood of all the human emotions. And it is this very misunderstanding that is holding us back in our evolution as a species - and in the dawning of our co-creative relationship with the environment. If only … We can … Continue Reading
Is There Such A Thing As An ‘Anger Issue’?
It’s an interesting question to ask. We typically think of ‘anger issues’ as anger towards – someone or something. As in, “I have an issue with you / with that. It / you evoke anger in me.” Often, we perceive that our experience of anger is the other person / the other thing's ‘fault’. The ‘issue’ is perceived as being ‘out there’ – held by that which triggers, or evokes, our anger. Sometimes, ‘anger issue’ is used to describe a Continue Reading
Life Balance and Love – Part 2
Ariole … Let's clarify what we mean by life balance and why it’s so important to relationships. Colin … Sure. Talking with someone about life balance helps them understand that their relationship is only one aspect of their whole life. For example, in addition to a significant other / marriage relationship, one also has to deal with career, money, health, family, friends, recreation, spiritual or personal growth, and last but Continue Reading
Life Balance and Love – Part 1
Ariole … Over the last few years we have worked with thousands of clients. What are some of the things that you’ve noticed, Colin, about people’s relationships? Colin … Sadly, most people seem to suffer from a serious love deficiency. The majority over the age of 55 or 60 are either divorced, widowed or in bad relationships. Many younger people choose to be single because they are afraid or hesitant to be in a relationship. Continue Reading
Healthy Humans = Healthy Relationships – With Each Other, With Nature, With Self / Source
It is only when we are healthy that we can be the core – the center – of something else which is healthy. Our relationships cannot be healthy if we are not. Our relationships with Each Other cannot be healthy if we are not. Our relationship with Nature cannot be healthy if we are not. Our relationship with God, Source, All That Is cannot be healthy if we are not. What is Continue Reading
Ariole’s Books and Audio Courses
Take a look at all 6 of Ariole's Books ... ! "H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth - A Blueprint for Personal and Collective Change" Read the Book Purchase the 8 Session Audio Series Listen to a 90 second Free Intro Audio clip Listen to the entire Free Intro Audio Session ~ "The Power of Anger - Blasting Through Your Limitations and Transforming the World" Read the Book Purchase the 4 Session Audio Continue Reading