Shame is the most lowly emotion that a human experiences. There is no benefit in shame – no gain from experiencing it, no opposite to aspire to. Of all the emotions, it is the only one that is purposeless. It is shame from which we drop into absolute recklessness, carelessness and suicide – physically and metaphorically.
Being the lowest or basest of the emotions on the rainbow, shame is often identified in the first chakra of the body – in sexuality, security, and the right-to-be-alive. Unlike the other emotions which begin to have increasingly vibrant colors – light – to them, shame is the embodiment of black – the absence of light.
For a brief instant, step into the energy field of shame.
Memories may flash in you, like snapshots on a movie screen. You may feel sensations in your body or hear inner voices. Notice how your body reacts. Does it tighten? Flinch? Shrink inward? Be as alert as you can possibly be for these few moments.
Familiarize yourself with the energy field of shame so that you can recognize it as an observer in future. As you master this, you will never ever need to languish in it again.
As soon as you have a sense of the energy field of shame, step out of it. Become an observer simply watching it – from the outside. This returns you to a place of choice.
Remember … We are traveling UP this ladder of emotions. Keep reading the upcoming posts, as we are not here to linger in Shame.
Listen to this post as a ‘podcast’! The ‘Map of Emotions’ – #1 – Shame recorded using the omni-dimensional ‘Star Microphone’ by Wehnersound.
* This post is #36 in a series of in the syndicated excerpts from The Power of Anger – Blasting Through Your Limitations and Transforming The World by Ariole K. Alei. Order the book – or instantly download a copy – here. Or listen to the 4-Part Audio Course.
* Image with gratitude to Jan Rosgen.
[1] These 17 levels of consciousness were first mapped by David R. Hawkins in Power vs. Force
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