Courage is the tipping point. It is the eye of the needle, the fulcrum point between the downward suction of debilitating emotional states and the upward spiral of life.
If you were to ask people randomly on a street corner if they are familiar with the experience of one thing going wrong and then a ‘mud slide’ of things in their life falling apart, most people would immediately, triumphantly list to you a litany of examples. If you were to randomly ask these same people if they are familiar with the experience of one thing going well and a whole string of wonderful occurrences following them … most people would stare at you as if you are nuts. The upward spiral is so foreign to most human beings. As a species, we aren’t familiar with how to soar like an eagle… yet.
Courage is where we tap into our innate, internal, personal power – and the power of the universe. When we climb up out of the dungeon as high as the vibration of courage, the universe begins to lift us up. It is akin to us climbing a staircase to the rooftop of a building to the ‘helicopter pad’. Or hiking a trail to a clear open meadow … from here, we can be airlifted. From courage, our life journey becomes immensely lighter. We enter the terrain of joy.
For a brief instant, step into the energy field of courage.
Memories may flash in you, like snapshots on a movie screen. You may feel sensations in your body or hear inner voices. Notice how your body responds. Do you feel energized? What is the expression on your face? Do you feel good about yourself? Do you feel inspired? Is your breathing open and easy … somewhat excited? Be as alert as you can possibly be for these few moments.
Familiarize yourself with the energy field of courage so that you can recognize it as an observer in future. As you master this, you will be able to access it again at Will, whenever you choose.
As soon as you have a sense of the energy field of courage, step out of it – even though it feels so good. Courage is simply the gateway to emotional states which are even more inspiring and good-feeling. Become an observer simply watching it – from the outside. This returns you to a place of choice.
Remember … We are traveling UP this ladder of emotions. Keep reading the upcoming posts, as we are not here to linger even in Courage. We are here to experience the ‘incredible lightness of being’ … ‘higher’ 🙂
Listen to this post as a ‘podcast’! The ‘Map of Emotions’ – #9 – Courage recorded using the omni-dimensional ‘Star Microphone’ by Wehnersound.
* This post is #44 in a series of in the syndicated excerpts from The Power of Anger – Blasting Through Your Limitations and Transforming The World by Ariole K. Alei. Order the book – or instantly download a copy – here. Or listen to the 4-Part Audio Course.
* Image with gratitude to Jan Rosgen.
[1] These 17 levels of consciousness were first mapped by David R. Hawkins in Power vs. Force
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