Immediately when I completed writing The Power of Anger -Blasting Through Your Limitations and Transforming The World – which flowed swift on the crest of H.O.P.E. = Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth - A Blueprint for Personal and Collective Change, I became aware of the title of the next book that would write itself through me – The Ego and The Soul. My husband, who is very intuitive, said straight and directly to me, “You’re Continue Reading
‘Brazil’ – Hunger Strikes, Rallies, and Effecting Change
* This popular post is excerpted from Awakening Instinct * Running the Gauntlet * Windows Through Time - A Trilogy by Ariole K. Alei. I participated in the United Nations Earth Summit's parallel conference - the Global Forum - in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. It was a 10-day gathering of over 180 heads of state, plus media, aides, and non-governmental leaders. And concerned citizens like myself. One day I participated in a local rally. Continue Reading
De-volution and E-volution
Vedic mystics speak of human de-volution - that we are essentially spiritual beings having devolved or 'stepped down' from the Gods. Darwinian contemporary science promotes the idea of human evolution - that we have evolved or 'stepped up' from simpler, purely biological life forms. As a young child I knew, without discussion with older, 'wiser' adults, that we - we humans - arrive into this lifetime with direct access to all Continue Reading
“Lifting the Lid” – October 2010
"Lifting the Lid" - Are You Being Called? Take a deep breath ... close your eyes ... relax your body ... As you gently open your eyes ... and begin to read this ... What do you notice? ... Inside ... as you begin to re-cognize these words? Human consciousness is currently hovering in the realm of reason. (See David Hawkins’ ‘Map of Consciousness’ in “Power vs. Force”.) Do you long to hear and see the Divine? Do Continue Reading
Trance – The Inherent Wealth of ‘Altered States of Consciousness’
I’ve recently had opportunity to be in the presence of Daniel Pinchbeck (bestselling author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl), Flordomayo (one of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers), John Kimmey (a carrier of the Hopi Prophecy), José Arguelles (initiator of the Harmonic Convergence and the 13 Moon Calendar), Richard Tarnas (besteselling author of The Passion of the Western Mind), and John Perkins and Llyn Roberts ( I can Continue Reading
What is leadership? Who are our leaders? Where are they? These are three of the most important questions we can ask ourselves today. I was a young child when I first realized that our leaders may not be who and where we assume them to be. I was watching a televised program of the Canadian House of Commons. The behavior of our supposed leaders as they harassed and bullied Continue Reading
How to Recognize Trance States
Many people evidently are not yet able to self-recognize when they are in trance. As with many highly beneficial aspects of our species’ innate wisdom, I wish that this were readily available to us in kindergarten and pre-kindergarten teaching. It is my sense that increasing numbers of people are experiencing trance – some frequently – and yet few have the tools to recognize, let alone understand, what is happening. Here are some Continue Reading
What Makes A Leader A Leader?
Firstly, I'd like to qualify that just because someone promotes a popular opinion and has many followers, this doesn't intrinsically make them a Leader in the essential definition I am about to present. Many people 'lead' through might, brutality and peer pressure. These manipulative tactics can be physical, emotional and / or mental. Threatening to deprive someone of something essential is often enough to have them submit to coercion. This Continue Reading
What Is Trance?
Trance is like being tuned in to radio station(s) beyond the frequency listened to and registered by typical states of mind. Trance is a state which allows attunement to information beyond the typical frequencies / information bands of day-to-day human functioning. As such, it is highly generative, highly creative, and highly transformative. A friend / colleague of mine refers to her trance experiences as “dancing Continue Reading
Activating Your 8th Chakra
As Tom Kenyon says, “Some of you experience gnosis – direct connection with the Divine.” Perhaps, as you are reading this post, you are experiencing gnosis. You, and I - as we have done throughout eternity - will innately hold the space for others to comprehend what flows here now … As part of the DNA structure of every human being, we each have seven ‘chakras’ – energy centres, like railroad stations and airport Continue Reading