What is a metaphor? ‘This bag is as heavy as a rock.’ ‘When the sun shines, it’s like liquid gold.’ ‘When you want something, imagine casting a fishing line … then reel yourself to the hook.’ What happens as you read these? Where does your mind go? What do you see, feel, hear? Metaphors are a powerful, sublimely simple, explicit way to communicate expansive concepts. How do they Continue Reading
Exiting the ‘Wheel of Time’
Since 1989 I’ve been consciously aware that I am in an experiment of awakening consciousness. Consciously aware that this is the most exciting time to be alive on planet Earth. Consciously aware that this may be the first time in human history that humanity is able to observe its own awakening - its own unfurling into a new species - it own metamorphosis - its own cosmic magnificence. My story began when I was ten Continue Reading
What I Learned from The World Cup
It was magnificent to watch elements of the World Cup. An athlete myself, I love seeing the heights of mastery to which humans reach. Early into the series, my husband came home ecstatic one day. He’d just watched a match with the young Germany team. The key to his excitement? “They played into the space!” He kept repeating this, repeating this, like a new discovery, a mantra. Together we watched the Continue Reading
Lifting the Lid – Opening the Cage
I’ve been attuned to ascension (see Birds’ Eye View – A Travel Guide to the Universe) for twenty years, having never consciously heard or contemplated this word before. Ascension, simply put, is the human (it encompasses far more than humans – though let’s keep this simple) quantum evolution beyond our historic experience of Space and Time. It is a ‘spiraling up’. It is a ‘gear shift’, the degree of which has not been Continue Reading
Invictus – Forgiveness to Unity
Last evening my husband and I watched “Invictus”, the compelling story of Nelson Mandela and his bold and courageous leadership of ‘the new South Africa’. It has affected me deeply. What a model – akin to Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other great leaders – of how to ‘step out of the wheel, and boldly explore a new trajectory’. (See forthcoming post "Exiting the Wheel of Time".) Continue Reading