There is a growing malaise in our culture, as more people work longer hours with less satisfaction – and in greater isolation – doing things that they know are unhealthy and contributing mindlessly to their individual and collective frustration. This is a growing epidemic – evident in everything from obesity to addictions to violence to suicide. So many people do work that they do not love, and stay in relationships Continue Reading
Have you ever tried to get a Jack-in-the-Box in the box? A Jack-in-the-Box is a cloth puppet sitting atop a tightly coiled spring. When the lid of the box is lifted, 'Jack' springs out, joyous and full of life. Getting Jack back into the box requires much strength and determination to push downward against his naturally-freedom-oriented coils. When you do finally get the coils sufficiently suppressed to force the Continue Reading
The First Wound
There never needed to be a first wound. If we had the skills, and the consciousness tools, and the support to stay present with our experience, in the moments that it was occurring, there would never have been a first wound. The reality to this day has been that children have been born into a world of adults who have not healed their wounds – adults who are not conscious of healing, the path of healing, the benefits Continue Reading
What Is Consciousness?
Awakening our consciousness is the whole point of healing. It is only when we are 'asleep' that we can suffer. Awakening our consciousness is rising to a higher level of vantage in our own mind. It is spiraling upward, like an eagle into the Sun. It is waking up to our full potential. It is awakening into a recognition of and a sensitivity to the whole. When we are wounded, we are Continue Reading
Cracking Open the Shell – Part 2
Is ‘fighting against’ the only way to access your true strength? Is it the most efficient one, the most powerful one, the most ultimately successful one? Or are there options? (There are. Look around. Not everyone fights against.) I’ll give you an example. In 1988, at the so-called ‘height’ of my dancing career (I was touring internationally with highly respected dance companies, and beginning to have high profile solos Continue Reading
Cracking Open the Shell – Part 1
What will it take for humanity to rise above reason – the current crowning achievement of the mind? To be even more precise, what will it take for humanity to pierce the veil of thinking … and open itself into the vastness of its pure potential – its access to omni-consciousness via intuition, telepathy, insight, and beyond? What I’m speaking of here is the ultimate exiting of the Wheel of Time. Continue Reading
Healthy Humans = Healthy Relationships – With Each Other, With Nature, With Self / Source
It is only when we are healthy that we can be the core – the center – of something else which is healthy. Our relationships cannot be healthy if we are not. Our relationships with Each Other cannot be healthy if we are not. Our relationship with Nature cannot be healthy if we are not. Our relationship with God, Source, All That Is cannot be healthy if we are not. What is Continue Reading
Activism with Heart
In the ensuing months following the UN Earth Summit I enjoyed a wave of direct contact with activists in many fields, including the environment, human rights, women's issues and more. To me, these were all spokes of the very same wheel. I had not worked directly with activists before. This was at the height of the road blockades in various old-growth forests in British Columbia - richly bio-diverse terrain which was being Continue Reading
The Gauntlet
What is the gauntlet? To be able to see it – to recognize it, to lift the white sheet that protects it, to reveal it – perhaps we must first identify what it is that it impedes us from. Who – or what – is the 'prince or princess' for whom we run through it? Regardless of whether our own belief system holds e-volution or de-volution to be 'the truth' of our trajectory, we can all acknowledge that each of us is Continue Reading
A Heartfelt Thank You :-)
Thank you to all of you who are reading URLight - and an especially big thank you to all of you who are taking time to express your appreciation of it. Through this sharing of a few moments of your time you are a) inspiring others and b) communicating to me that my time spent sharing with you is valuable to you. Thank you so much for this. I am receiving an influx of Comments suddenly - which is great! Approximately 500 of them Continue Reading