Anger is always the soul calling us. Either it is identifying to us - through our experience of pain and betrayal - where a boundary needs to be created to repair and thus to preserve our integrity. Or it is identifying to us pro-actively - through evoking our anger or even our rage prior to a potential boundary breaching event - that a boundary we have in place is non-negotiable. Or - our anger, one of our most valuable inner Continue Reading
3 Purposes of Anger – #3
3. The third way in which people begin to experience their anger is purely pro-active. This arisal of anger is how our soul entices us to grow. When we feel frustrated. When we feel 'fed up'. When we feel like we can't stand a situation any more - this is our soul nudging us to stretch out into a larger experience of ourselves and of life. Anger is what motivates us to grow. ____________ Anger is what motivates us Continue Reading
Abdication of Power – Part 2
When we retain our power, on the other hand, we become response-able again. We both maintain within ourselves the wisdom that is always there, that always knows, if we listen deeply enough, what it that we must do to pro-actively ensure our well-being and responsively course correct when it is amiss. And we retain the 100% responsibility for our outcome. This is frightening for many people simply because they haven’t practiced Continue Reading