Like all of the emotions, anger is simply energy. Energy with a purpose. Emotions themselves are neutral - they are neither good nor bad. Like all else in this universe, it is how we relate to them that determines their outcome. Emotions are like enzymes. Their function is to digest our life experience - literally to break it down into smaller 'bits' and assist us to assimilate and grow from it. Just like food. We have a vast array Continue Reading
The Power of Anger – Introduction
If only we could access our anger and not be afraid of it … If only we could clear out our vast reservoirs of unexpressed anger … We could change the world in an instant. A mere blink. Anger is the most misunderstood of all the human emotions. And it is this very misunderstanding that is holding us back in our evolution as a species - and in the dawning of our co-creative relationship with the environment. If only … We can … Continue Reading
What Keeps Us From Being Leaders?
What keeps us from being Leaders is our lack of faith in ourselves. When we mute and ignore our greatest passions, we lose touch with that which is imbued with the greatest meaning to us. We lose clarity about what we most want. We become, to varying degrees, numb. From this place of disempowerment, we doubt that we can make a real difference. "Never underestimate what one person can do to effect change. Indeed, it is the only thing Continue Reading
Everyone Is A Leader
We are all Leaders, each and every one of us. Many of us simply believe that we are not. With every choice we make and action we take, we create a ripple effect for all other life to sense and see. It is as if we 'swing the vote' with every breath we take, every thought we think, every feeling we feel, every motion we make. As we begin to realize how inter-connected we all are, we begin to recognize that there is no such thing as an Continue Reading
Why Courage? – Part Two
Yes, we all have courage in some areas of our lives. Quite specifically, our courage lies in areas that we feel confident in. So what about the other areas – the topics and territories we’re less familiar with? We (our egos) show up shy there. We (they) doubt that we can respond without falling flat on our own faces. And so we back away. We turn our head. We avert our eyes. We ‘pretend’ that we’re not noticing. We pretend that nothing is Continue Reading
Why Courage? – Part One
A number of years ago I had an insight that I will play a part in mapping humanity’s journey out of fear. When this insight occurred, it took me by surprise. What did it mean? How would this unfold? And … why me? Many years have passed, and clues to this have been popping into my awareness. ‘Why me?’ Because I am willing. ‘Why me?’ Because I am strong. ‘Why me?’ Because I care. I care so much about humanity’s evolution out of darkness – pain, Continue Reading
Giving Thanks
Hello URLight Friends, As we prepare in Canada for Thanksgiving this weekend, I am reflecting with much gratitude. This year, for the second time in my life, my husband and I have participated in a CSA – Community Supported Agriculture. Simply put, earlier this spring we purchased shares in a farmers’ summer crop. Each week we’ve received a ‘surprise’ variety of freshly picked produce. We’ve met the farmers themselves and socialized with Continue Reading
Cultivating Courage – The Practice – Part 3
Last evening I joyously found myself in the opening pages of Marianne Williamson’s A Return to Love. Marianne affirms that ‘nervous breakdowns’ are gifts allowing what is not working to no longer endure. I often call this ‘cracking the egg’ – something no longer allows the ‘same old’ responses. In short, they are revealed (what a relief) to not actually work. What this requires – what this invites of us – is courage and faith that there is a Continue Reading
Cultivating Courage – The Practice – Part 2
So what are some ideas – that I’ve tried and can guarantee work – that might start you on your way of ‘cultivating courage’? Here are a few that I’ve chosen in my first week … Leaving clothes unfolded in my pack sack when I knew they’d be going straight into laundry when I got home from my camping trip. (I’m typically a very neat person.) Repeating the same the next day – this time with the Continue Reading
Cultivating Courage – The Practice – Part 1
I heard a few years ago – and this amazed me and ‘struck me between the eyes’, for it is so profoundly true – that the primary reason why people say ‘no’ to invitations that would nourish and inspire them is that they haven’t figured out how they can say ‘yes’. They haven’t figured out how it can work for them. Simply put, they need a map. They need to ‘see how it is possible’. They need a way-shower, someone to demonstrate or Continue Reading