I had a recent visit with family in which I realized how little courage I have developed as part of our co-dependent culture. I am and have been courageous in remarkable ways in my life – solo dance touring, spending 7 ½ months alone attuning to the great mysteries of the world, launching companies and non-profit societies, backpacking alone in the wilderness … And yet, there are great gaps. And so, I Continue Reading
Subtle Energy Fields – Part 2
I – like thousands of people on this precious planet – am highly sensitive to subtle energy. My home is an extension of my energy field. And so whatever enters my home enters my energy field. How I came to this ‘aha’ realization was through two flashes from my past: 1) In the 1980’s, when I first began sharing homes with ‘strangers’ (house-mates), I became aware that I have a natural affinity for Feng Shui – the Continue Reading
Subtle Energy Fields – Part 1
A blog is a web log – a web-based journal, the focus and content of which the author chooses. I’d like to open a new Category at URLight – ‘Ariole’s Insights’. In essence, all of the posts at URLight are my insights. Many of them are excerpts from my Books, and some of them are written ‘in the moment’ as a way of sharing my inspirations as I receive them. I recognize the universality of human Continue Reading
Abdication of Power – Part 2
When we retain our power, on the other hand, we become response-able again. We both maintain within ourselves the wisdom that is always there, that always knows, if we listen deeply enough, what it that we must do to pro-actively ensure our well-being and responsively course correct when it is amiss. And we retain the 100% responsibility for our outcome. This is frightening for many people simply because they haven’t practiced Continue Reading
Abdication of Power – Part 1
We have been taught – at least since several generations back – to abdicate our power and thus our responsibility to others: to others ‘outside’ of us, rather than to rely on and trust our own innate abilities, wisdom, and discernment. We have been taught – without even a word being spoken – at an early age to acquiesce the well-being of our body to a doctor; our teeth to a dentist; our mental health to a psychologist; our Continue Reading
Gandhi – Self-Reflection as a Way of Leading (Part 2)
In 1992, when I returned to my then-home of Vancouver, Canada following my participation in the UN Earth Summit’s Global Forum, I began meeting a quick succession of highly influential people – people who were leaders and initiators of powerful movements. One afternoon I was sitting in a quiet seniors learning centre by the sea (a beautiful heritage building), having tea with one of the founders of the Vancouver Peace March – one Continue Reading
“Be The Wave” Free Intro – Participate In This Evolutionary Global Community
Turn on your light. Shine it brightly, that others, too, may reduce and completely release their suffering. For as we suffer less, our energy, love, and attention become available to serve beyond ourselves. No longer fixated on our own survival and the quelling of our personal fears, we become available – available to innovate, to co-create, to communicate, and to connect. Join in a global community of 'peer pioneers'. Continue Reading
Gandhi – Self-Reflection as a Way of Leading (Part 1)
What’s so intriguing about Gandhi is how he transformed himself. One of the most influential people of all time, he didn’t lead a nation of 400 million Indians to freedom and self-government as the man he was when he began this epic journey. He led it as the man he was committed to becoming. Gandhi’s story – and his incredible and timely / timeless example to us – is that if something isn’t working, we must become what can allow Continue Reading
“Be The Wave” – Interview with Kenneth Schwenker of Leaders Causing Leaders
Are you an aspiring leader? What would you like to see different in the world today? Do you believe you can contribute to affecting positive changes? If so, how? If not, why not? Interview Introducing "Be The Wave - Part 1 - Revealing the Shift" There are a lot of questions that we never seem to ask ... Like ... 'Do you believe that you must suffer?' 'Is it possible to navigate your way through life without suffering?' 'What Continue Reading
The Wright Brothers
One of my favorite stories of ‘leadership’ and of ‘change’ is of the Wright Brothers. I’m an abstract storyteller, so please forgive me if the ‘details’ of this story are not historically absolutely precise! Imagine yourself … As if you were alive, in the town where the Wright Brothers lived, when they began publicly expressing their ‘visions’ that a silver bird could fly. Ha! Most people surely mocked them, Continue Reading